Saturday Adventures | George Town


a few weekends ago two of my favorite ladies decided to run a marathon. and every time i hear people decide these things i think they are crazy. . . but then i go to the race and get caught up with all of it! i always think, oh it wouldn't be so bad! it actually looks like fun! (someone slap me.) well anyway, my mom and sister leah and i drove up to see them finish but before the race we headed over to George town to grab some cupcakes.

this was the day i lost my iphone. not really the greatest way to start a day but after going through my mom's phone and changing all my passwords i felt a little better. a little stupid, but a little better. it was actually a great day for walking and only a little chilly with the wind.

George town is the prettiest i think. i love walking around and seeing all the old buildings painted in beautiful colors. i love that everyone seems to be riding a bike. i love that things are always happening in the river below and nothing is run down or sad. here are a few snaps of our quick adventure. 

 ^^these babies will forever have my heart.

^^the first signs of spring!! 
 ^^i mean the colors in this picture right?!
^^my homies all finished! such tough ladies, i am so proud to call you friends! 

great. now i want cupcakes. todays adventure is going to be so good and even though i haven't been on it yet, i can't wait to share it with you! i hope you have a happy saturday everyone. make it count!


  1. that cupcake shop.... swooning. and i so want to steal your sandals.
    these are the best adventure shots!

  2. Oh my word. I want to live in that bike shop.

  3. Your pictures are stunning, and yay for the fist sign of Spring! :)

  4. What a fun adventure capture! I want all those cupcakes and I want those yellow flowers in my house forever.
